“I live and die by my calendar.” If you’re a project manager, work in operations or administration, you might live out the statement above. If you don’t do any of these things, you might have rolled your eyes. It’s OK – we can still be friends. Working at an agency requires you to split your…
Creative Agency
Celebrating Oklahoma During National Travel and Tourism Week
During National Travel and Tourism Week, we feel grateful to work with two tourism organizations in Oklahoma. From videos to print materials, we have had the pleasure of playing a role in helping promote the wonderful events, towns and attractions that our state has to offer. We are honored to work with Chickasaw Country and Visit…
The Essentials for Establishing a Healthy Client Relationship
Clients give an agency vitality and meaning. They grow with their agency, work through trials with their agency and ideally become friends with their agency. Getting to know the client’s goals, communication preferences and the details of their business is crucial in maintaining a healthy client-to-agency relationship and for the growth of both parties. Discovery…
5 Things I Learned During My First Week in an Agency
5 Things I Learned During My First Week in an Agency As the long title suggests, I just started a new job working in an agency! I spent the last few years working for a university and I’m very excited about the big shake up in my career. The first week is pretty much like…
Finding The Best Marketing Services For Your Business
Questions to Ask Your Marketing Agency Having a solid marketing plan is crucial for boosting your business’ leads and overall success—but choosing an agency that is the perfect fit for your business can be tough. From creative quality and costs to customer service—there are a ton of factors that go into selecting the right marketing agency for your business. When…